I will use Node.js, Express, and Passport with the passport-facebook strategy, but the basic ideas are applicable to any language and framework. In this part, I will show you how to implement the authentication flow for Instagram Graph API with Facebook Login. Previously, I covered test account and app setup and finding the correct Instagram account ID. This article is part of a series about Instagram Graph API. The authentication flow is handled through Facebook Login, and the user can pick which Facebook pages and Instagram accounts are available to the application. However, the Graph API can be used only by “professional” accounts which have been paired with a Facebook page. On the other hand, Instagram Graph API allows you to publish posts, moderate comments, search hashtags, and access insights. It also works with any Instagram account type: personal and professional. It’s useful, for example, to get up-to-date information about the user’s profile or display their recent posts.

Instagram Basic Display API is limited to read-only access to a user’s profile and isn’t intended for user authentication. There are two ways how to access the Instagram API: